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Officials prepare for final phase of DAGIR construction

Update on the DAGIR Range from US Army “” website.

Source: “Fort Knox News“, 31 March, 2023 by Eric Pilgrim

“FORT KNOX, Ky. — Despite setbacks in weather and other issues, officials in charge of construction on the Army’s third Digital Air-Ground Integration Range say they are on track to complete the range by the start of 2024.”  CLICK HERE FOR ENTIRE STORY.


From U.S. Army Fort Knox – Facebook post.

Military training scheduled to occur on Fort Knox from Feb. 26 to March 1 may be louder than normal at times. Exercises involving aircraft, maneuvers and weapons firing in daytime and nighttime hours are an important aspect of maintaining critical capabilities and readiness of all units. This notice is provided as a courtesy for residents of the greater Fort Knox area.
Increased noise and vibrations may be experienced during this period.