Welcome to Fort Knox CUP

BACKGROUND - the Fort Knox Compatible Use Plan (CUP)
The Compatible Use Program is a federally funded program administered by the Department of Defense (DoD) and Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) to promote collaboration and cooperation among the Military, surrounding jurisdictions, community stakeholders, and states. This proactive collaborative process promotes open dialogue to encourage cooperative land use planning between Fort Knox and surrounding jurisdictions to guide future civilian growth and development to be compatible with the training and operational missions of Fort Knox. By mitigating incompatible civilian development and identifying strategies to reduce the operational impacts on adjacent lands, including environmental impacts of military operations, success can be achieved by all.

The Lincoln Trail Area Development District (LTADD), a regional planning organization, was the project sponsor and coordinator for the creation of Fort Knox CUP.  The study area included parts of Bullitt, Hardin, Meade and Nelson Counties surrounding the Fort Knox Installation.

The resulting CUP provided a detailed review of existing or potential concerns and policies that can or could create conflicts between military missions and the populations and governments of surrounding communities and the post. The study gathered data to analyze these polices and issues and provide specific policy suggestions for implementation to address concerns. This created a documented framework and procedure for identifying concerns and promoting ongoing discussions and policy modifications amongst the stakeholders.

Implementation Phase

Subsequent to the study phase, LTADD, with the support of OLDCC, has undertaken to work with Fort Knox and the local communities on the implementation of the strategies that were identified by the CUP.

These are for convenience, arranged into three areas:

Through additional research, out-reach, and organizational efforts, these strategies will be undertaken to promote and retain Fort Knox’s missions by adopting a compatible use element on planning and development actions in the region.

This graphic presents the schedule as of Nov. 2022 for the CUP Implementation phase.
Study Area Map
The study area includes parts of Bullitt, Hardin, Meade and Nelson Counties.

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